Add to Technorati Favorites Not a Minority: February 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Is the Anti-Illegal Immigrant Movement Getting out of Hand? By: Patricio Chile

My interest was recently piqued by an article reporting a recent spike in organized resistance against illegal immigrants in Prince William County, Virginia.
The February 11th article on reported that Virginia’s Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and HelpSaveVirginia were starting another chapter in Manassas.
A possible reason is because the county is asking the federal government to reimburse an estimated $3 million in costs for providing services to illegal immigrants.
Some see signs of hate.
“…the fact and rhetoric of their actions are creating a hostile environment for people of all color and all languages in Virginia regardless of their citizenship,” Claire G. Gastanaga, a lobbyist for the Virginia Coalition of Latino Organization, said in the article.
The Anti-Defamation League said last year that spring 2006’s immigration debate increased activity from white supremacists.
They’ve engaged in various protests as well as documented violence says the ADL.
There is even an online game, “Border Patrol”, which asks players to shoot Mexicans crossing the border.
The Virginia groups claim no ties to these people.
If truly sincere, these groups should handle their work professionally, without attacking individuals or racial groups. Only then can they successfully deal with the illegal immigration issue without fanning the flames of hate.

The Washington Post article can be found here:

The press release from the Anti-Defamation League:

Feel free to comment on the above report. Due to limited word constraints, we rely on the input of others to enrich the discussion. Thank you!

Monday, February 5, 2007

This past weekend, Illinois Senator Barack Obama spoke at a student rally at George Mason University. Obama is the only African American Senator currently serving in the US Senate, and according to many, a strong 2008 presidential hopeful. Many already assume that Senator Hillary Clinton and Obama will be battling for the Democratic Party nomination. Either candidate would represent a huge shift in American politics--not only a minority, but a woman. It is a huge leap from the usual trend of WASPy leaders. Obama has not yet officially announced his candidacy for the presidential race, but on January 16th has taken the first step toward candidacy by forming an exploratory committee. Despite the years of advancement for the rights of both women and minorities, both still have a serious lack of representation in the US political arena. There is still an unspoken prejudice against both groups, despite the equality that is proudly proclaimed in every part of the country. The decision lies in the hands of the voters, who will decide in the primaries. However, not to get ahead of ourselves, there still remains the fact that Obama has yet to officially announce his candidacy. There is also the question of Obama's age and level of experience. While Hillary has eight years of serving as first lady to husband Bill, in addition to currently serving her second term as a New York Senator, Obama is only serving his first term the US Senate. A huge difference in experience level will contribute a big factor in the election. However, many steps still must be taken in order for this predicted standoff to actually occur.